/* TEAM */ isitchristmas.com Core Team: Eric Mill, @konklone, konklone.com Brandon Jones, @btj, kingofprussia.com /* THANKS */ The IFTTT team, for helping me ship ifttt.com/isitchristmas Olivia Cheng, for the wonderful IFTTT channel icon. Micah Rich, for clutch design help over the years. Brittany Rose, for the idea of using arrow keys for rotation. Anyone who's ever submitted a patch or filed an issue in Github that I acted on: github.com/mherdeg github.com/Quiark github.com/xmajox github.com/thisisparker github.com/ivkos github.com/Alotar github.com/liiiink github.com/ebroder github.com/quanganhdo github.com/andrederegle github.com/shh- github.com/c933103 and github.com/morgante for adding HTML5 notifications Compiled from github.com/isitchristmas/web And to the good people whose emoji I copied, at: http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com https://github.com/arvida/emoji-cheat-sheet.com /* SITE */ Lots of things! 2007-2011: PHP/MySQL + Dreamhost/Webfaction 2012: PHP/MySQL + Webfaction, Node + Nodejitsu https://konklone.com/post/isitchristmas-dot-com-2012 2013: Node + EC2, Node + Nodejitsu/Heroku/dotCloud https://konklone.com/post/how-to-hack-the-developer-console-to-be-needlessly-interactive https://konklone.com/post/isitchristmas-dot-com-2013-more-and-better 2014: Node + EC2, Node + Heroku